Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday July 28th, 2014

Hello and Happy Monday!!! I am loving this fall weather we are having in July it is my favorite weather :-) We had a bit of a storm last night but no damage done here Thank God. I am so Thankful and Grateful that everyone made it through them with minor damage and no lives lost.

Today is a new day :-) Time to put Sunday behind you and look forward to the wonderful things God has in store for you today, because if you look behind you all the time, you will never grow or move, you will be stuck in the mess called the past and it will keep you from becoming the best you that you can be and will stop the joy from coming in to your life that is waiting to be set free.

Have a great day today!!! Blessings, Hugs and Love......

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday July 14th 2014

Hello and Happy Monday everyone :-) Today is a very busy day but fun, I love working as it can be a great way to get your energy flowing.....I think if I was home all day I would get bored, I am one of those people who can't sit still I always find something to do because if I sit I will get stuck there all day LOL.

Today think positive thoughts always look at the bright side, each side has a positive and a negative a dark and a light and we get to choose what we want. As for me I believe we get what we speak or think so I am staying positive even when there is so much negativity going and proclaiming that "Today is a wonderful day and great things are going to happen" ............ Blessings and Love.........

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8th, 2014

Hello, and welcome to my blog of gratitude and joy. I have not posted since April 2012 and I hope to stay on top of things now.....My sister Terri started this blog for me and I just didn't seem to have the time to spend an hour or so on it so I am going to try again and see where it goes....

Today is a beautiful day because its a beautiful gift and I choose not to waste a single minute if it! I wish my sister was here as I miss her so much there is not a day a hour or a minute that goes by that I don't want to pick up the phone and talk to her again and hear her voice, but that is not possible and I must ignore the ache in my heart and think positive thoughts and stay strong.....

May today be exactly as you wished it to be and spoke it to be, our life is the words we speak and the thoughts we have so have the happy thoughts and speak the positive words.......Blessings and Love to all.......