Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday April 27th, 2010

What beauty there is in this world! The sun with all it shimmering glory shinning down on all of us as if to say good morning how are you today.The trees with there newley openend leafs that represents new life and the hope of a new beginning. The grass with its morning dew glistening that makes each blade come alive so vibrantly. The beautiful light blue sky, that just makes you relax and then take a deep breath in to smell the sweet scents of spring flowers and freshly mowed grass. The birds so sweetly singing there songs, happy and cheerful and thanking God for another beautiful day. Thank you lord for this, another beautiful day to enjoy, to learn and to grow.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday April 21st, 2010

What a beautiful day it is today, the sun is shining and the trees and flowers are blooming, thank you Jesus for such a wonderful day!!! Life is such a beautiful gift we forget how much was sacrificed so that we may live this life that we choose to live. Life is all about choices, we are the one's who make the choices on how we want to live no one else makes them for us. For my life I have chosen to love everyone as God has loved me. God loves us unconditionally, he always looks for the best in us, so I look for the best in others. I am thinking more positive and loving thoughts and saying more positve and loving words and it makes you feel so much better, and the people around you feel so much better. Every day is a new day with a new beginning so start your day with prayer and thanks and a positive outlook and life is beautiful!!!